
Sick of Stuffed Animals!

Page history last edited by Marlene Johnshoy 12 years, 6 months ago

Dear Abby:

My boyfriend and I have been dating for five years. I feel so confused because he gives me a stupid stuffed animal for every holiday that comes around while I actually put thought into his gifts. We have no problem in our age difference (about 12 years), but lately I’ve been feeling as if he doesn’t care and thinks that this will just gratify me as if I were a little kid. I love him and feel that his feelings should have progressed by now. I don’t ask for a single thing, just an occasional compliment or signs of affection, which he seems to feel as if he doesn’t need to give. I got my hair done and he honestly looked at me and laughed and then said, “What happened to the curls?” I make sacrifices for him, but he seems to always have a problem with making them for me. I know everything is pointing to breakup, but I just can’t do it. I love him so much more than he’ll ever know. I am about to tell him that if he can’t give me anything else for the upcoming Valentine’s Day then just don’t get me anything at all. I cannot bear to get another stuffed animal. Would this be wrong to say?

                                        — Had Enough and Ready to Go






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